IMARA - 2012

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • An interdisciplinary workshop on inference, “Information processing in complex systems with applications to traffic forecasting ” was organized on June 12, 2012 at Inria Paris-Rocquencourt. The intent was to bring together researchers from statistics, statistical mechanics and machine learning interested in the development of methods and algorithms to process data emerging from complex systems. Organizers were Cyril Furtlehner (TAO), Fabien Moutarde (CAOR, Mines-ParisTech) and Jean-Marc Lasgouttes.

  • Guy Fayolle is

    • Scientific advisor at the Robotics Laboratory of Mines ParisTech.

    • Associate editor of the journal Markov Processes and Related Fields,

    • Regular reviewer for some journals of high repute (PTRF, MPRF, QUESTA, IEEE-IT, JSP), and also for the AMS Mathematical Reviews.

    • Member of the working group IFIP WG 7.3.

    • Program committee member of the regular Int. Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, held in Paris at IHP in 2012. The chairman-organizer is E. Gelenbe (Imperial College, UK).

    He was invited at the Séminaire de Probabilités of Institut Fourier (Grenoble, 11 dec. 2012) to speak on Asymptotics of Random Walks in the Quarter Plane. He participated in the redaction of the proposal MACCA (Marches aléatoires confinées dans des cônes: aspects probabilistes, combinatoires et algébriques), to be submitted January 2013. This project will be managed from the Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Physique Théorique à Tours (LMPT).

  • Jean-Marc Lasgouttes has been reviewer for Euro Working Group on Transportation (EWGT 2012) and European Journal on Operation Research (EJOR).

  • Gérard Le Lann was invited keynote speaker at Vehicular Communications and Applications (VCA 2012) Workshop (MED-HOC-NET 2012), Cyprus, June 2012.

  • Philippe Morignot has been re-elected member of the steering committee of the French association for Artificial Intelligence (AFIA). He is Editor-in-Chief of the newsletter of this association. He is reviewer of the International Journal of Advanced Robotics Systems.

  • Fawzi Nashashibi is:

    • Scientific advisor at the Robotics Laboratory of Mines ParisTech.

    • Supervisor of 2 PhD thesis at Mines ParisTech in 2012: Mr. Raoul de Charette de la Contrie and Miss Anne-Sophie Puthon and supervisor of 4 PhD thesis at Inria: B. Lefaudeux, H. Li, G. Tréhard, P. Merdrignac.

    • Supervisor of 2 PhD thesis at the École Polytechnique d'Alger: Mr. Samir Meniche et Mr. Madjid Hank.

    • Associate editor of the journal Traitement du signal,

    • Associate editor and reviewer of major conferences in ITS and Robotics (IEEE IV, IEEE, ITSC, IEEE ICRA, IEEE ICARCV, IEEE ICVES,...)

    • Regular reviewer for some journals of high repute (Transportation Research Part C, IJVAS, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, IEEE Transactions on ITS, IEEE TVT,...).

    • Member of the European working group on Automation of the iMobility Forum.

    • Member of the International Committee on Vehicle Highway Automation (AHB30)

    • Member of the Technical Program Committee of the 12th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2012) in Guangzhou (China). He was organizer and chairman of the invited session entitled “Coordinated Guidance of Multiple Autonomous Robots/vehicles”.

    Fawzi Nashashibi was an invited keynote speaker at the “Workshop on Navigation, Perception, Accurate Positioning and Mapping for Intelligent Vehicles”, at IEEE International Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (June 3-7), Alcalá de Henares (Spain). He was a keynote speaker at the seminar entitled “Electric vehicles and urban integration”, June 8th, Mines ParisTech. He was an invited speaker at the plenary meeting of MOV'EO on November 29th with a round table dedicated to the “Connected Vehicle”.

  • Evangeline Pollard was a member of the Technical Program Committee of the International Conference on Information Fusion. She was the chairman of the session entitled “Localization, Navigation and Mapping” for the 12th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2012) in Guangzhou (China). She is reviewer for several international journals and conferences: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'12), IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES'12), Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Journal of Zhejiang University Science C (Computers & Electronics).

  • Oyunchimeg Shagdar is an associate editor of Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems. She was a member of Technical Program Committee of the IARIA International Conference on Emerging Network Intelligence (Emerging 2012). She is a reviewer of a number of international journals and conferences, including IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Communications Letter, IEICE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), and IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).